Essay # 2 Harm the truth and the art of living.

Essay # 2 Harm the truth and the art of living.

Flavia Pinheiro

Entities , quarks, cells , bacterias and guppies (Poecilia reticulata),

“ There is a secret bound between slowness and memory , between speed and forgetting.” MilanKundera
Slowing down seems to be an alternative to the accelerated pace of life imposed by the hiperconnectivity. For instance, the imperative to slow down has an intimate relation to nature, situatedknowledge , politics of respect , intersectional practices despite of, in the necropolitical stateaccelerating is a mandatory existence, the precariousness underlines the fragility of the states ofbeings who are hushed all the time without stopping; always nervous and in a hurry.Whereas thesympathetic nervous system is in alertness, the harmful events about to happen , the feeling ofbeing attacked or to be always in threat to survival carried trough generations makes the intensespeed of time even faster. In the current time as an epistemological experienced approach we canrefer to the ones who can not breath ,the corpses underneath the sea, the strangled beings who dueto its inhumanity have no right to live.

The empty time suggest slowness.
( is that true that the museum is filled with timeless animals?)

The unnamed will be always the catalogued ones, as the animals in the museum ; who will betrapped as refugee or immigrants by the archive regime forced to be remembered as a category.Those are driven to deal with memory , to retell stories that have never existed. Like the rainbowfish is used in genetics research those beings also inhabits swarm springs and their effluents, theyare highly adaptable and thrive in many different environmental and ecological conditions. They areeasy to find in Suriname , although they seem not to be around the swamps in the Netherlands. Thewater is the lost stream of memory , the remembrance place for the guppies , on the other hand theair and its unsustainable lightness is the ground of forgetfulness.

( Is it true that times passes by differently In the global north? )

To not being able to appreciate the art of living means also that the stress response is activated

and the initial response to any change in the environment and subsequent reactions are triggered inan effort to create a boost of energy to survive.
( Im late ,I’m late, I’m late)

Fight or flight responses are the only options.
How to appreciate simple things in life that raises mindfullness? Isn’t that an extremely violentquestion? Raw, organic , fusion, fresh. The production of food for human consumption areimplicated in the art of living which includes the climate change, the capitalist economy of globalmultinational companies, and even in the survival of the planet and its species.
(The water as the ground of memory and the air as the sea of forgetting)

Fight or flight ?
An urgent desire for an outside chronological and spatial limitations- striking feature of longing ,non fulfillment and suspension.The tension between a quest to affinity and a desire to separate isoften makes by frustration.The failed affinity that marks a desire to belong and a desire to flee thestructures of ground and community.There is no room for us in this empty building calledinstitution.
Fight against institutionalization.
Flying trough imagination.
How to unearth other possibilities of existence considering further realms. The attempts to survivein apnea, a series of choreo political scores it is a micro political tactic to create dances in the lackof air, constraints of inhalation or exhalation, the inversion bottom up, unfolding the skin insideout; with ridges and grooves, in possession of ghostly spectrality , states os survival, distortions,irruptions, falling and failing , overflow, space shifts, which rises also in a macro politicalconjecture that address new territories of the affects in a practice as research. The speed of action ,the urgency to find structural conditions , to dance with and through others as a disobedience to thenew reality of the corona task force that seems to have different features in each one , but operateswithin a necropolitics of letting die , and extermination of “the others”.
( why are you still dancing?)

Celebration and frustration.


To hold an existence in displacement has waged an intense macro and micro political battle for there-invention of a practice that was embodied in an urgent state of attention. The in vitro conditionhas a considerable influence in the membrane composition. Most of the bacterias grown is thisrealm are extremely dependents of this safe conditions and therefore, there is an intrinsic effect of

the surrounding environment on the way microbes behave and establish their connections thatvanish away in vitro. In addition, the way bacterias are distributed and interact with each otherfluctuates in different speeds and intensities In vivo conditions.
Guppies exhibit sexual dimorphism.

The endless return.
To rest with the shadow

To grab the little air left in a state of suspension , the lack of time , the shortness of breath is todwell the revolutionary becoming, inciting to be in the time of the world with bacterias, entities andthe queerness to become. The fact that the community is living in a constant apnea makes usrealize that perhaps , the commons, is just another illusion: a collective hallucination of the livingones/ so called the walking dead.

a way to confront the ghosts
is to feel the instability of the floating boat

Harm the truth.
A loner can find a space to search the truth , it is with living without then. The documents have themagical power to create hermeneutic realms and to destroy realities, in this way, to resist toknowledge is maybe the most remarkable feature of the truth.
Maybe the truth destroyed the monster that inhabits us, in the present absence it is about to vanishaway , to be bleached out ... no traces will be left. The state of dance which evokes the spiritualpresence of ancestors and enable the possession as a performativity subjective is wiped out andvery slowly it will be replace by a writing technology. Because the archive constitute a a sealedrealm of the past we must burn it to undo the ontology of the document.
( Improve a delicacy of being , stop dancing and star writing ?)
Time rolls back again, and the moment returns.

The opening of the creatures epistemological turn is about to begin just after the sky falls over ourheads.
chuva de granizo, flocos de neve, pedrinhas miudinhas ,ventania e temporal
hailstorm, snowflakes, small pebbles, gale and storm

A face of happiness, though different.Ruins.

The storm that brought down the state of dance in volcanic destroying drops is the same thatvanished all territories of soul. Pause. Stillness. Nothing has actually stopped and It seems we cannot dream about unseat the displacements. I remembered when I dreamt about being a cyborg andused to suck batteries and electric things.Short circuit. I thought the desire could hack the body andthe world before the words could be shift in different shapes, the materiality could transform andmutate. The writing technology lead me to naming : procedures, things, states, dances , beings,entities , quarks, cells , bacterias and guppies. Glitch is one attempt of naming the procedure. It isusually a minor malfunction; also : an unexpected defect, fault, flaw. Could an untrained body , adisobedient one be a glitch in this system/realm?

Another attempt is Cluster that can refer to a number of things of the same kind, growing or heldtogether; a bunch (set of computers that work together so that they can be viewed as a singlesystem. Unlike grid computers, computer clusters have each node set to perform the same task,controlled and scheduled by software.) Is that the only way of building a collective machine in thisrealm?

Is it about all about programming , installing copying , pasting, deleting as undoing is not possible?The agency regardless the desire has sank me in this endless writing technology, Is the attempt toreprogram the existence in a queernees to become a name that will capture and disable the spaceshift ? This technology will fulfilled the gap between the ground on which ones stands and acompelling place beyond? Maybe this world in not enough.

Insufficiency of existence

Watching the sand and the footprints; the archeology of the present to undesired how the windblew.Nothing has actually stopped, but what is hanging in suspension is the desire: suck, lick, bite,spit, hit, penetrate, smooth, scratch, slap, burn , destroy. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Bythe year of 2050 more than 50 % of the species on earth will be extinct due to choreographic scorestraced by lines of exclusion poverty, inequality, opacity which have killed the precarious,vulnerable and non profitable life. ( prediction for a future that was stolen for the same who madethe future as a concept) The end of all monsters. Always. To preserve life or to build a safe space

resides in the relation to the national state as a predator or a protector. De-institucionalize.Themassacre was designed against all creatures.

Roots and routes
Absent inarticulate presenceCaptured and destroyed.

Revolutionary violenceRadical Love

Writing is a way of being in conversation with deadA spectral other

Inventing words as an incantatory insistence of remembering what we can not even known that hasbeen forgotten.

Multiformity - plural trans-shape
Intermittent state - trembling and oscillating

How to confront the ghosts?
Possible answer: The gravity of words
They are my golden love of my hearth’s desire in a radiant future now ; a blissful encounter.

Disruption of the national state.
I am stateless. A natural born foreigner. I have never been home. Movement is my exile. Not evenmy body makes me belonging . I am sensing this diasporic scatter to my own existence.
Diaspora Dysphoria
Gender non conformation
Trauma tissue memory

The ontological distinction between humans and things
My skin unfolds. The shame drives us towards an inhabited time by beliefs and nostalgicallydreams that remains collectively, the powerful narratives in pace of change as a utopian now.
It all stated if you remember at this point with time. How to remember thirst? The function ofmemory, is not the opposite of forgetting.

my skin unfolds in
an active immanence
active immanence preserved in the multiplicity of kinships and relationships between beings, things,times and worlds
opening of several possible worlds
Worlds which exist in disappearance
An active disappearance
And the dance starts over

Does the relation between movement, displacement and power defines freedom?How do weembody the forgetfulness? How we embrace the traces of remembrance.
Tracks and reminiscences.

A radical love can be placed in a counter time as a minor gesture. Seeing yourself in relation to theother in a larger context. This love encounter offer wisdom by its ruptures, crack in an unlimitedpotential experience that can shift the forms of us- being. An urgency of tackling oppressionbeneath the logic of words entails others to become in relation throughout...

Spongy resonance .

The storm asks: why the disenchantment of presence can not be recovered by a dance state in thepresent/now? This question activates a relationship of individual performance that does not escapethe neoliberal scheme and entrepreneurship linked to the production of subjectivity as a rule for theexistence in absence appellant trough social media and digital networks.The obsolesce of bodies isdue to its materiality and opacity completely opposite to the virtual pornography economy and itsimages of representation.

Particle clouds.
locally random, but globally determined.
an immune system is a swarm of cells and molecules,Each particle keeps a trace
Track the path
Bending is a feature of failure.

bending outside itself

I am a mountain in the middle of an oceanic storm. Where is the sea?

I still remember the little bites that the colorful fish in a gently flock imprinted on my skin.Rainbow fish.
What a pleasure to lie down on the warm sand and feel the breeze.

Will the memory disappear? Will the collective?The public sphere is fading away.

Forgotten swarmSquatting

Is this collective machine made of memory and of forgetfulness able to imagine a recapture of thepublic sphere by evoking the invisible and an unacknowledged loss?
On the other hand, to think about this storm as a last call for a state of dance, a radical love as theutopia of mobilizing the air, a chimera of invisibility that creates a dance of presence for its purposeand non human condition.The argument here is that the current atmosphere will succumb to thebody art of living , it will be a project of its own disappearance leading to a visual hegemony digitalscreen conformation that reduce the body existence to its regimes of visibility, to an image.

Which technologies can be create and expand a forbidden collective memory?
erasable, contextual, fragile , partial, malleable, contingent traces.
However, I intend to point out here that the practice of creating dances combines the kinestheticexperience and knowledge of the body and its ability or non natural condition of displacement andmovement in a becoming changeable state.The storm produces disruptions and disturbances in the

body, affects not only its surface but generates an eminent force and wind: its insurgency isaesthetic-political.

Autonomy in motion therefore means to abandon the economic field : it makes sense to be fugitive,to escape , to run, to fabulate attempts to survive in apnea as an scape valve for the macro politicplans that seeks to deprive perception.A collective machine would be a reminiscence of aspeculative fabulation of remembering and forgetting. A way of making an experience transaction tobe passed away a symbolic bomb to activated gesture.

relentless and irreversible.
Retreat in reflexion
How do we want to live?
We decided to build a bunker inside the realm of a bunkerThe beautiful ones who were not yet born

The exercise of freedom
I did not want to remember their silent violence in this politeness operation of killing machines.You made me not to forget. Repetition.
( Im late ,I’m late, I’m late)
To fight or to fly?

I am approaching the technology of writing as in the dialog of Phaedrus. Perhaps, to write willmake me wiser and will give us better memory.
Write things down, draws, figures, stories, diagrams, thoughts, observations, ramblings , lists, loveletters.

It is an epistemicide . Some subjectivities are called humans, others (the majority) are thingsencored, enfleshed in the slavery colonial afterlife.There is a deep belief that writing enables aforgetfulness of knowledge via the very technology that promises its abundance and preservation.Writing will harm memory.
The secret was kept because there was no written document.

And the Greek heritage makes us not to forget about “Mnemosyne and Lethe, the rivers of memoryand of forgetfulness . The dead were instructed to drink from the former as to not be reincarnated,and to the latter in order to forget their past lives when they are reborn.” Perhaps the choreographicscores are activation systems for the ones who have not achieve the art of living but are insteadrelated to the art of surviving. This not is about the dramas and human passions. The ‘human’ as awound, as a limitation, as a site of violent forgetfulness, and as a possibility shift in anepistemological radical turn to the spectrum, to the ghosts.The in/human has to inscribe itself fullyin the memories of the past that are filled with loss, trauma, death liveness and the imposedforgetfulness of life. To turn to bacterial existence, to unlearn what it has made to be in that state ofapnea as an art of living. To breath with the guppies’ red gills to remember the ink of the goldenpen and the stain of blood.

( I’m late, I’m late, I’m late)

As the other myth Sysiphys, I am condemned in this endless repetition, of falling and failing. To notbe afraid of, the eternal fugitive, there is no home for me, believe us, the feeling of not belonging ,come up and down the hill.
Overload , over abundance

Sysyphus is condemned. Aren’t we all ?

This technologies have helped create and expand collective memory through timing and placingmaterialities. The collective memory is sharable, accessible, alterable, transferable knowledge wepass down from generation to generation and pass across geographical space, unlike humanmemory is partial, contingent, malleable, contextual, erasable, fragile. It is prone to embellishmentand error. It is designed to filter. It is designed to forget.With writing as a technology, we havegained permanence, stability, unchangeability, materiality.Isn’t writing a way of exclusion,sovereignty and an epistemicide?
(Let’s make a glossary with the dead languages the exterminates and extinct ones)

This choreography score will be an open source. A public collective machine to make humansdisappear ...We are corpses, parts smithereens, chunks, pieces of life is in ruins , our disappearanceis eminent but we still pretending that we are alive. Not even we can breath, inhale the air.

Some subjectivists are called humans otters ( the majority)are things encored, enfleshed in theslavery colonial afterlife.Appearance is a political gesture in this case due to this score is thepotential of enunciation , articulation in a public sphere , in an action of change for the ones whohasn’t been born yet.

We are not shoals.
I am concerned with my own survival.(It is an epistemicide)

Not a trip.
Not a day.
Not an event.
Not a research
Not a project
Not a dance.
Not a dream
Not a exotic otherNot a appropriationNot a turist

Not a conquer
Not a opressorNot a gaze
Not understanding

Maybe an encounter.An experience.

A ceremony of remembrance.
The gab between here and there.
The movement as the only possible exile.

To escape from my own “being”.
The body and its indissolubility.
The lack of words and the impossibility of naming.The wording as an imperialist archive technology

Foot note : All the action and the speak out that will follow this texts refers to the constraints of anano bacteria that after being exposed to so many antibiotics became a super bacteria and wants toexterminate human life, dissipate every human trail, within anaerobic breathing , blow giantbubbles of soap into the blue sky on the day of your birthday party along with the othermicroorganisms. She made an alliance with the virus.

And this was the end of the second experiment.