

We are all bacteria. 

The project investigates the human body colonized by microorganisms and its microbiota. We are only 10% human. Being bacteria is an aesthetic-political educational practice that emerges from the precariousness of life and unhealthiness, from the contaminated atmosphere, from daily poisoning, from the extermination of unfit bodies, from civilizing processes. Bacteria education is built in the suspended space-time of becoming a bacterium, in the sharing of a microbial ontology that produces meanings and uncertainties through the experience of contamination that produces the difference. 

The project proposes grouping and collecting forms of bacteria colonies (that gained life), of contamination as an alternative to the asepsis of subjectivation processes forged in the contemporary existential bubbles. A fight against antibiotics in which insurgent super-bacteria participate: transbacteria, queer bacteria, nanobacteria, post bacteria, and alien bacteria. It institutes a place of self-management and creation: - " Make your own bacteria! - " Be bacteria yourself!" by 

using maker market imperatives and digital culture to hack bodies. - "Save the bacteria!" Rethinks collectivities and representations by addressing gender issues. A bacterial education breathes and produces a fictional breath of a cosmogony not anthropocentric to extend life without our presence. A poetic disobedience in the spaces of education for the (un)construction from a (dis)order of the microscopic world of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, non-binary, nomadic, and anti-speciesist. The Bacteria project unfolded in different media: photographs, videos, performances, urban interventions, and podcasts.

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Amanda Pietra, Chico Ludemir, Pedro Vasconcelos, Jose Rebellato , Roberto Coelho
